Your IT Maturity Scorecard

Your IT Maturity Score is:


Partnerships: /25
Strategy: /25
Systems: /25
Settings: /25

The IT maturity score is a measure of how ready your IT processes are to support ongoing business needs and future growth. Based on your answers to the IT Maturity Self-Assessment, your IT team is operating at the following maturity level:

  • Just getting started organizing IT assets and strategy.
  • Using ad-hoc processes and procedures to get your work done (e.g., personal email accounts, paper-based workflows)
  • Ready for a comprehensive IT strategy implementation.

To make rapid improvements to your IT maturity, we recommend first evaluating the area where you scored the lowest on the evaluation.

Your IT Maturity Focus Area is:

Below are your personalized action items that can help you to make improvements to your IT processes immediately.

Evaluate Your IT Partnerships

We have the right people, vendors and teams involved in our IT process and decision-making.

IT is fundamentally driven by people. If you have the right people with the right expertise in the right positions, it will make developing and implementing your IT strategy that much easier. Conversely, the wrong people or the wrong vendors can create barriers that are difficult to overcome.

To strengthen your IT partnerships, complete these action items:

✔ Evaluate Your IT Vendors

  • Who are my IT vendors?
  • Are they meeting our needs?
  • Do they have a defined scope of work, and do they fulfill it?
  • How much hands-on management do they require? Is that distracting me from other, more important work?

✔ Organize Your IT Team

  • Who are our IT resources? (Including split/shared roles)
  • Are roles and responsibilities clearly defined?
  • What obstacles are preventing these individuals from being effective in their roles?
    • Overworked, lack of skill/training, unclear responsibilities

✔ Take Action

  • Meet with vendors and review contracts, scope-of-work, and performance.
  • Present defined IT roles to management/leadership
  • Identify and obtain needed additional resources
    • New IT vendors
    • Additional IT staff

Develop Your IT Strategy

IT is clearly helping us to meet well-defined business goals.

Effective IT requires more than the right people and the right systems. Both of these things need to be working in harmony with your organization’s goals and business processes. IT strategy is what bridges that gap. Having a solid IT strategy – with buy-in from all parts of your company – will guide you as you make day-to-day and long-term decisions.

To begin developing your IT strategy, complete the following action items.

✔ Take a Business Inventory

  • Define your business goals and determine how IT will help meet those IT.
  • Survey your workforce to see how their needs are being met by IT.
  • Identify current and future regulatory burdens and how they’re being addressed.

✔ Plan for the Future

  • Identify future trends in your industry and how IT can help with them.
  • Determine how obstacles and challenges can be overcome with IT.
  • Identify risks created by and mitigated by IT.

✔ Take Action

  • Create a written IT strategy and present it to leadership.
  • Make a plan to review your IT strategy quarterly.

Building The Right Infrastructure

We are using the right technology to solve our business problems.

The systems you design, implement, and maintain make up the backbone of your IT infrastructure. For your IT to be effective, you need to have the right systems in place and have processes to support and maintain those systems. Likely you already have some IT infrastructure in place, so you will need to make a plan to bring that infrastructure into alignment with your strategy.

To begin optimizing your IT systems to support your business, complete these action items.

✔ Take Inventory

  • Create a complete list of every system that you support and its function.
  • Determine who maintains each system and how users get support.
  • Review onboarding and training material for each system or process.

✔ Evaluate Against Your Strategy

  • Survey managers or users to find out how existing systems are meeting their needs.
  • Pull usage metrics to determine how systems are being used.
  • Identify systems that are creating bottlenecks and barriers to growth.

✔ Take Action

  • Complete documentation for each system and process.
  • Determine which systems will need upgrades or replacements in the future.
  • Consider consolidating or simplifying under-utilized systems.
  • Create a written roadmap of system upgrades and replacements.

Optimizing Your IT Systems

Our systems are configured correctly for both efficiency and security.

With the right people, strategy, and systems in place, the final step in building a mature IT process is to optimize the settings of those systems for security and business efficiency. No IT system is perfect out-of-the-box – it takes some customization to make it work for your business. But when you have a clear view of your business goals and IT strategy, you can make sure that your systems are configured in the right way for your needs.

To optimize your systems’ settings, complete these action items:

✔ Evaluate Security

  • Conduct a security audit and/or penetration test.
  • Monitor help desk tickets for pushback on security controls and provide training.

✔ Plan for the Future

  • Brainstorm ways to automate and streamline configurations.
  • Survey managers and remote workers on WFH challenges.

✔ Take Action

  • Implement security best practices on all systems.
  • Begin automating key processes.
  • Create a secure remote work strategy.

Are you ready to take the next step toward improving your IT service?

Book your free strategy call with E-N Computers CEO Ian MacRae. During this 30 minute session, you’ll discuss the results of your IT maturity survey, and what you need to do to start making improvements now.

Pick a date and time that works for you below.

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